Good Evening,
Finally day five is over and done with, I sware that the last hour of today just dragged. I am looking forward to three days off, even if seemingly they have things happening each day! Indeed I am looking forward to Ruth coming, I don't think we'll rip each other apart or anything, that only tends to happen when the three of us are together! Typical!
So today by most accounts was eventful to some degree. I had Eri crying in the kitchen again and Maria pulling me in while she's talking to her and saying she's scared to hug Eri because people might think, her being and older woman and all, that she was trying to pick Eri up -so to speak. This somehow lead onto the whole Jennifer saga and how she doesn't want Eri to report her or something. I think I felt as confused as Eri did at the time.
I answered the phone today and talked to a woman called Beverly in Bowling Green. Yep, if I remember rightly, I went 'Oh Puppet People' and proceeded to ask if she was in Kentucky. Nope, a little north, Ohio. So I was talking to her on the phone for quite some time really, dealing with her booking and chit chatting away. She asked if I was American. I don't know what's up with that! Anyhows, she was a really nice lady and is coming here for the 15th Anniversary, in fact most people coming are Americans!! They were given priority apparently. While on the subject of the 15th Anniversary, all hell has broken lose. When coming up with the logo for it all, Maria Plaza, along with Heather's help, designed it according to all the stipulations put out by WAGGGS for this whole new image thing. Well, somehow Sonja next door (she was there for the Sheree Day) got wind and there were last minute meetings yesterday and for a couple of hours today. Everything has to come to a grinding halt because apparently it doesn't meet the criteria. Its not been approved. Heather and Maria don't know what their problem is, so there's more of an 'us' and 'them' type atmosphere than normal. Mind you, I hear this second hand from Breanne who gets called into a meeting with Heather, Doreen and Maria Plaza. Yep I feel in the loop!
Now this piece of work I mentioned. It'll take some time to get here. But pretty much I started it in a very confused point in my life. Like with most of my writing, it was a way of making an insane thought seem real. It involved my character, Manchester in her police job, ya-da ya-da ya-da but brings into play a character who has a slightly different dress sense and perhaps a little more lively in the social scene. Remember though, I started writing it like three years ago, going on four. I actually started it when I was last in the UK, I can even highlight the paragraph that started it, one lazy afternoon in a tent in the sun! It sort of reminds me in some regards of the book I am reading at the moment. There's not too much of a story line to it at this point in time, it ended up becoming more of a character interaction.
Today I achieved one exciting thing and I'll attach a photo to this e-mail for you to see. I gather since you won't read this at home, you'll be able to pull up the photo, I'm sure it will give you a laugh. I'll leave it at that and say nothing because the photo explains it all really!!
For the moment that just about does me, I want to go do some laundry and perhaps go chat things over with Janet. Don't know. What do you think?
Rachael :-)
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