Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Its now later . . .

Good Evening,

So we've just come back from Stomp and it's rather cold out!! What did I think of it? Well, I'm glad I've seen it but I don't think I'd want to see it again! Its not my thing, an hour and a half of noises made on stage just doesn't cut it for me. However, I do have an appreciation of the fact it took a lot of creativity to pull it off and a lot of practice and in that regard, it's pure brilliance! Yet, that's enough Stomp for me.

Now, the whole last Friday night saga with the cameras. When I spoke to you last night, we only knew that the two hooded people came and messed with the camera. We now discover they spent a total of 12 minutes on the property of Pax Lodge and the Bureau between 8:52pm and 9:04pm, right around the time we were locking up for the night. Plus, Patsy was next door working still. The guys came in and thanks to camera footage of both the Bureau and us, we've discovered they actually tried to break into the Bureau via the back door, literally pulling on the door with great force. They then moved back around the side, tried the delivery door, came along the front of the bureau and tried the front door, then down near the doors of Pax Lodge before continuing past the dining room and over the fence into the street.

Yours truly was given the job to note down everything they did in those 12 minutes and it took me close to an hour and a half to do because I had to work out when they left with only certain camera angles at my disposal. I felt like I was working for Vic Pol again!!We've got the local police involved and everything. No one spotted these guys. We've part face angles on them but nothing fantastic. Anyhows, at about 5:25 Doreen comes in (I'm in her office in her chair using her computer!) and says 'You're coming with me' and next thing I know we're trotting over to Air Studios and in we go. Glen, the security guy who gave us the tour, has spotted a guy this morning in a hood walking past Pax Lodge twice and having a serious look at the place, like he was 'casing the joint' as criminals do. So we've pulled a security photo of their system (which kicks ass!!) and yeah, I went back to see if I could make a match between the guy today and the two the other night. There are similar traits, but it's not the same person.

That was my excitement for the day, I seriously felt like I was back in my early old job at the crime department, it was great!

Coming back past the George we looked at the signs they have up for Australia Day and it spans over three nights, plus if I take my Passport, they'll give me a free drink!! Check that! So I think I deserve that at the least as some form of celebration!! My phone hasn't stopped since I turned it on after leaving the theatre.

For now I say goodnight.

Rachael :-)

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