Hey Hey,
Although I only spoke to you on the phone about two hours ago, it seems such a long way away!!
Not long after I got off the phone there was a knock at my door and Shanna comes in with some Sunday Comics that Phillip had sent her. She's gotten into the habit of bringing them up so I can read them which is kinda nice. Anyhows, she left like ten minutes ago! She was in there for like an hour talking to me. I am slowing coming to understand that she and I are quite similar. We have similar beliefs and our work ethics are very much on a par. She was sort of venting a bit too i think. She's not happy with the HA group we have. She was telling me who worked and who didn't and which personalities were stronger than other. I felt like I was sitting there listening to myself talk because everything she brought up was an exact thought that I had.
She went so far as to say she's not keen on the idea of the WalkAbout every Saturday night and wants to try get the HAs to give something else a go. In fact she even said something that I have said to you -that this group are asking for trouble and are likely to end up getting into trouble. Which was kind of interesting. Like I said, it was like listening to me talk which sort of surprised me. Perhaps the Good Little Christian Girl might become a good ally. Which I need. We'll see.
I'm glad I wasn't too much of a distraction from school work. And you let me know when you have exams and stuff coming because I know they are a busy time and stressful and yeah. . . to a degree it's not so bad through e-mail because you can only check it as often as you can.
This is my problem sleeping during the day, I'm now a lot more wide awake at 11pm than I should be. Usually by now I'm happy to be curled up in bed, having written in my journal, feeling a little dozy and reading a book. Then I can reach across and turn the light out when I feel the need to. But I'm a little wired, more than I should be.
Ohh my mum was saying she was going to post my disks this coming Wednesday so it should take about a week for them to get here. At least I know they are on their way. And the thing about my brother and my journals, I would actually be more inclined to tell my brother about something than I would my mum. We have a good bond as far as siblings go. I hold his secrets, he holds mine. And he's the one person I can count on that if I make it clear no one is to know, he'll take it to his grave. I always told him his 21st birthday gift from me would be a trip to anywhere in the world he wanted. For a time he wanted to go to LA, then it shifted to Canada, then it was the Pyramids. It changes like the weather. But he knows that's his thing, so every now and again he'll mention where we're going. Its kind mushy I know, but that's my bro, and I want him to see how much more there is to 'the world' than Melbourne or rural Tasmania.
Anyhows, I am going to make the journey back upstairs, maybe stop and get some horlics on my way up. For now, good night and good morning.
As always,
Rachael :-).
People Watching
11 years ago
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