Good Evening!!
Well I suppose you might not get this until the morning. Hmmm...never mind, you get my drift.
Okay, so the pantomime was kinda lame but good. Slow at times, really, really slow, but it was something to go and see and the only cost was my train fare out there so i shouldn't complain. We didn't spend any time with the brownies, we sat separate from Sally and her group which was a little disappointing, but we were talking to her at one point and they meet every Wednesday at 5pm. It's something to think about when I have days off on Wednesday, whenever that will be.
Maria in the kitchen comes into the dining room this morning to declare that the Euro lotto is going for something like 107 million euro which when converted is about 70 million pounds. Seven of us put in some money to get a syndicate ticket, can you imagine if we won that amount of money and it was split between the seven of us?!! Goodness. I mean the likely hood of even just winning our money back is slim, but it was a good laugh regardless. We started to think about what we'd do with that amount of money. I converted it and nearly passed out. That's more money than I ever dreamed of having.
Some time back we were talking about the 15th Anniversary one afternoon. Heather was telling me about this thought she had about having somewhere set up where people could have their photo taken and we could e-mail it to them, you know like a commemorative thing. She had said that I could be the photographer. Doreen pokes her head out and says to Heather that she shouldn't delegate jobs until everyone has been consulted. I find out today from Breanne that she and I have been given specific jobs, in fact we were requested to work -for Maria. Yep, you read right, Pax Lodge will celebrate it's 15th Anniversary and I'll be in the gosh darn kitchen all day cooking and cleaning and whatever else. I nearly screamed when she told me. Apparently Maria was adamant that it had to be Breanne and I or she wasn't willing to even attempt to get through the day. Can I cry??
Shanna wants to go out tomorrow, for lunch and then wander around the Natural History Museum. I want to, but I don't. I'm in two minds. I know I need to rest but on the same token I also want to go out and do things. Grr. And I'm hating being around both her and Erin at the same time because all they do is go on about Phillip and Allen and I just feel so left out.
Well that just about does it for another e-mail, this one got a bit long, I'm sorry if it takes a while to get through, I just kind of started talking. I don't need to go to Camden to get the phonecard, I got it from the Vic, the little shop next to the George. Tomorrow I want to go to the post office, I didn't end up posting your parcel the other day.
It's time for me to turn out the light. At least tonight I don't have to come up the stairs from the basement and my bed is warm already.
Seriously, I am going now, this is far too long!!
Rachael :-)
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