Sorry, I'm in a real corny mood at the moment, I missed the second half of my lunch because I had a house tour arrive, so I am taking my last 20 minutes now in which I shall start this and finish it later on this evening after all my dinner duties. Speaking of which, I impressed everyone with my washing up skills last night! As I am rostered on with Program and because of various things, last night was the first time I was washing up after dinner. My gosh you should have seen me, half hour flat, if that! I am dish washing QUEEN!! Go me! Hehe he.
Righty-o, all the happenings since I last wrote. Where do I begin?? Okay well I left off with the visit from Sheree Blair. We were talking about that for DAYS afterwards and how the woman in charge of The World Bureau thinks Ghana is a part of the Arab Region...hmmm and how Sheree had lipstick on her teeth, and me sounding like I know Mrs Howard personally. I dread to think how the photos turned out. And since I'm the one that apparently looks 'like a dork' in the Pax Lodge staff photos because my uniform is so formal, I actually turned out to be the really well dressed one. Minus my hat. I really didn't think it was necissary.
The weekend bought the arrival of the most adorable little Brownies. They arrived Friday night (22nd) and walked into reception where I was sitting waiting for the others to head down to the George. Regardless, they came in all giggles and laughter and cuteness which has almost reduced me to tears because I am sitting there going 'Oh my gosh they're like my girls! I miss my girls!!' he he he, so Julie you better go hug them all for me!! Needless to say my weekend was delightful and better still when we had to run an evening program for them, it was just like Monday nights at Guides! Minus the dinner stop on the way home of course..mmmm mushroom risotto...yummmmm.....
At some stage during the day on Sunday I realised I'd officially been living at Pax Lodge for a whole month and do you know what? It was such a scary thought! I can't believe I made it through the first month. It was a bit hairy for a while there, but you know ('you know'....argh Erin says that all the time and now I am saying it!!) it's all good now. Late Sunday night, around 10ish I guess, Monique and I decided at the last minute it was an occasion worth celebrating so we did a mad rush down to The George (no I am not becoming an alcoholic...mind you after last nights effort....) because it closes at 10:30 on a Sunday night. Several drinks later we were walking back with Marie, her mum and aunt plus a bag of ice (don't ask). They were singing and yeah it was hilarious because they'd had one too many. 'Grown Ups' are hilarious sometimes!!
Monday saw the departure of the Brownies (no I didn't cry but we did the whole sad wave off thing) and the arrival of a new HA. Yes, another Erin and yes she's from America too!! So I'm in an Erin sandwich (I have one either side of my room). My issue with her at this stage is that she's the kind of person you can only take in small doses. I mean even old Erin was saying 'bloody American' and that's got to be saying something!! Also that day Monique came down quite ill with symptoms similar to what I had a week or more back. Which was worrying. But she was fine the next day and wasn't half as bad as I was and for her sake I'm glad!! We had a group of New Zealanders check in as well who actually turned out to be the New Zealand contingent attending SWING!! For those non Guiding people, SWING is an International camp being held here in the UK which one of the girls in my region is attending. The group may call into Pax Lodge after camp. And then came Rebecca, a HA to be who starts at the end of August. She's about to bus through Europe before coming to work here. She seems nice, sweet and quiet. We'll fix that :-) Actually you want to know something. No one, and I mean no one, believes me when I tell them I'm kinda quiet and reserved back home. They think I'm joking around with them!! They don't believe I'm a nice level headed, responsible, introverted stress head...
At some stage in the evening I had four people crammed into my room which is pretty amazing when you consider how big it is!! But it was kinda nice. One thing I have noticed here is that no one really mixes unless we go out for a drink. Even then you only go because you happen to be walking past when the initial idea was talked about. No one mixes. There's like a gap between the HAs and the other staff. Even between some of the HAs. Erin and I are now on a mission to get people to socialise a bit more. So yes, the four of us were in my room talking for like two hours! It really was nice. But wait for it, even later in the night Erin came in and some three hours later, close to 1am, she left! I've found someone to have interesting, deep, serious conversations with!! Yay!! We are actually very similar people. We plan too much. We dwell too much on things we can't change (I can hear at least two of you passing comment). We're both workaholics, though she's not as bad as me (and again I'm hearing comments, if not lectures!!).
As you can see, Monday was a big day.
Tuesday was my day off. So Erin, Erin and I headed into London and went to one of the greatest places on earth. HAMLEY'S!!!! Oh my gosh, this is heaven for the big kid in all of us. It's on Regent Street and is a massive toy store, seven floors of toys!! It's incredible! We spent three hours in there!!! We only went in to get Marie's birthday present! So the two highlights of Hamley's. First is the trivial fact that it's the 25th anniversary of the Rubicks cube. So there was a big party happening in there and they had the Champions of the UK and Australia in there showing how quickly they can solve a Rubicks cube. Now I've tried those things in the past and anything other than peeling the stickers off or using a screw driver takes far too long. These people, they were solving them in about 20-30 seconds flat. I have it on video! It was just mind blowing. I mean the cubes were coming from members of the public so they weren't fixed or anything. It truly was amazing. The aussie Janelle stood there and explained the method of how she solves them (apparently its in the the number of twists and clicks or whatever) but we just couldn't comprehend it! We literally stood there with our mouths open!
Second highlight was just so cute!! I had no intentions of buying one, but I had to in the end...we went into the Hamley's Teddy Bear Factory. You can make a bear pretty much from scratch. You pick out the bear, you then stuff it and you even get to choose how much stuffing you want in there. Like floppy, or cuddley or pudgey. Then it gets stiched up and you put a red heart in there with a wish, you're given an ID card to fill in to create the identity and then you're sent off to what can only be described as the most oddest form of clothes shopping. Bear Style! I am serious, there is just rack after rack of suits and shoes and hats and shirts and shorts and bags and glasses. I took me twenty minutes to settle on the outfit my lovely fellow (George...) was to wear!! But oh my gosh! Teddy lovers heaven!! I made my own Teddy!! And its so much more special because you really are almost creating a life! Identity and all!!
Following on from my momentary lapse into Childhood, we decided it was time for food. I'm telling you, they have a warped idea of what a baked potato is over here. All I'm going to say is that at least the cutlery was cool enough for me bring back here!! Don't freak out, it'splastic I didn't steal it, but bright green and hard and yeah, just really snazzy stuff. Good enough for a dilly bag. From there we had the wanders and found ourselves in a place called Carnaby Street. Wellme being the bright spark I was couldn't figure out why 'Carnaby' was ringing bells in my head. D'uh hellO!! When I actually figured out what the significance was, I felt so dumb. But I've been to Carnaby Street!! Yay!
We then let the new girl go explore the Maritime Museum (I don't care if it is free, it doesn't interest me...) so Erin and I decided quite spur of the moment style (and so unlike us!!!) to get tickets for our big adventure which took place on Wednesday. Thus I found myself back at Waterloo train station (memories......) and a little freaked out when I hear a woman telling a police office she'd seen one of the men on the wanted posters for the bombings. So quite quickly we moved away and darted into the ticket office, I guess if we couldn't hear it, we didn't think about it. Much. After getting our tickets we headed back to Pax Lodge and not long after we were back the session group came back from Brownsea Island. I promise you not one of those girls smiled as they got off the bus. They all looked so tired! From what I hear they were all so glad to have showers and be in a dry place!
That night Erin and I started off sitting in the HA corridoor by ourselves. Monique came out shortly after, followed by new Erin at which point Monique offered to go make us hot chocolate. She returned, old Erin chucked some microwave popcorn in and I broke out my last pack of Guide buscuits (which Monique ate most of!) and within the next 20 minutes we aquired some seven more people! We got eleven of us sitting in the corridoor on the carpet talking like you wouldn't believe!! Success!! Erin tells me it took my initiative to start it, but I say we both played an equal role. It was just nice to all sit and talk socially and not have to worry about the guests or dishes or any number of other things.
Wednesday morning was quite hilarious really. Whenever Erin and I bumped into each other, we'd do an excitable clapping of the hands and say really excitably 'We're going to Stonehenge' ...and thus you have it, the big day out to Salisbury and Stonehenge. Of course in great British style it rained. But that's okay because it only rained lightly and didn't get heavy until later in the afternoon. Amused ourselves on the train by talking for the first hour, and then pulled out a deck of cards for the next half hour. A fellow commutor at one point jumped in on our conversation and corrected us on things we were talking about back home. How dare she...but that's okay, because 'We were going to Stonehenge!!'. This continued on through the day, even after we'd been there, only it changed slightly.
The train edges closer to Salisbury. The fields are misty, there is still some light drizzle happening. The air has become some what cooler. Into the platform we pull, and quickly get off the carriage and feel the sudden drop in temperature. Yeah, we're in England all right. Out we trot, through the puddles, hunched under hoods and jackets and scarves. We're going to Stonehenge!! Onto the bus we get, a tour bus at that and a double decker. Through the winding roads of Salisbury, past the medievil houses and shops, gazing wonderously at the Salisbury Cathedral and it's slightly leaning (29 degrees west) 404 foot high spire. And still it drizzles. The winds blow. And stop. Soon buildings fall away and we head out to the highway. Our tour guide fills us in on all the local information. Out past more fields, wet sheep, burial mounds. The mist lingers. The drizzle returns. Finally the heater kicks in. Up one hill, and down another. Then the last and highest hill, over the next crest we shall see the wonderous Stonehenge, the pilgrimage at equinox. Up we go. The drizzle stops. The clouds have lifted a little. Erin and I give each other one last excited look. We're going to Stonehenge. The road levels out. Around the next bend. I hold my breath. We descend into the vally, the moment has arrived. The bus is silent. We're at Stonehenge!! We're at...isTHAT it???
Yep you guessed it, and I'll admit it, I was slightly disapointed. Erin frowned at me, 'you're not that disapointed are you?'. I'd been told you couldn't get too close, so I was okay with that, I was prepared for that. But I was somewhat dishearted by three things. 1). The fact that it's so close to the highway 2) The number of people and buses that were there and 3) The actual size of it. I was kinda expecting the rocks to be bigger. Okay logically I know the poor souls who built it were having enough trouble as it was, but seriously, you'd think with all the effort they'd put in, they'd at least use bigger stones!!! But it was okay. It didn't rain and we took some good photos. Got to stay about an hour before it was time to leave and when you think about it, it was kinda cold and other than look at the stones themselves, there's not a heck of a lot to do out there. Apart from wonder what would happen if we decided to make our own crop circle. We then thought the better of it and realised that getting a criminal record wasn't on our list of things to do. So back on the bus we got and headed back to Salisbury. Don't get me wrong, it's fantastic to say I've been to Stonehenge and yeah, you do kind of get all tingly. I just thought it would be bigger that's all. It gets a big work up and all the pictures make it look so grand...I've been to Stonehenge!! Yay!
After sitting and eating lunch in the drizzle (which had follwed us back through the valley past Sting's house) we went into the cathedral. Some two and a half hours later we emerged!! Oh my gosh it was incredible!! I saw some of the most amazing stained glass windows. And the lady who took us on a tour, she was so quaint and cute and British!!! I know, I sound so silly saying that, but even now little things still make me stop and go 'dude you're living in England!!' I get excited easy...She told us about a poisoning story and an 800 year old rat who became the proof that the knight in question was actually poisoned. That was kind of cool.
From the Cathedral we wandered back up through the medievil part of Salisbury and into the haunted gift shop (I know I'm asking for trouble) but no ghosties to tell off. Next stop was a small church off the main street which has the Judgement Day mural painted across the ceiling. I know, morbid, but I sware it was the rain. At that point it had started to rain very heavily. Have I ever told you I don't own an umberella? Well I do now!! Since the weather had taken a turn for the worst, we decided it was good enough reason to go back to the pancake cafe and have a little early evening delight. And man was it delightful! Erin and I ordered a hot chocolate and I personally got a banana and butterscotch pancake. Ohh just the thing on a wet day. We sat upstairs by the window and the fireplace, looking out at the cold day, sipping on our hot chocolates that were in cups bigger than my hands!! But itwas so good! And as I sat there, that crazy little thought came back to my head. I'm in England. Here I was, sitting inside away from the cold and wet in a quiant little cafe in a quaint little medievil town with a great new friend and a lovely warm belly full of pancakes. The day couldn't get any better.
And it was a good day all things considered. I truly had a wonderful time! Tooks loads of photos, and we talked the whole way back home on the train. Saw a fox and everything. Wrote our postcards (for peopleback at Pax Lodge, it's a tradition) and didn't end up with time to pull out the deck of cards. By the time we stopped and got pizza for dinner, yeah healthy I know, but better than McDonalds, it was gone 9:30pm before we got back. I am really enjoying my day trips. Okay I know I've really only done two, but we've plans for many more, indeed we plan to do one each set of days we have off all August!! Aside from one as Erin and Jewel are going up to Edinburgh (as they've three days off) so I've decided I might make the journey back to Tutbury.
Yesterday was back to work but it was my first day out with a session. It rained in the morning as well. So after stopping at the UK GirlGuide HQ for about an hour, and walking past the bell hop at the Rubens Hotel twice (three if you count the one on the way home!!), we went to Changing of the Guards at Buckingham Palace. Yes, again I got inside the gates!! No camera's at all this time though...and by this stage the sun had come out and we stood there roasting. Kind of like Melbourne really. And the band played music from Phamtom of the Opera which puts a whole new spin on things!! From there it was lunch in St.James park with the pigeons and squirrals (man they were sooo funny!!) then back on the train to the Tower of London. I actually went in this time. But I've decided I want to go back on my day off and do an actualy tour and hear all the stories. That was supposed to happen but we had an issue with a very rude Beefeater and I was tempted to go back and kick him in the shin, just to be mean. He really was horribly rude when there was no need to be. So the group sort of split and we went our own ways. Managed to catch the tail end of a reinactment of the beheading of Mary Queen of Scotts (minus the axe) and went in to see the Crown Jewels...Wow. That's some pretty shiny bling bling!!! Then went into the gift shop to stare at all the lovely things I can't afford!! I mean come on, £30 for a letter opener, that's like $90!!! Indeed it was nice, but still...
Sometime later a very tired session and Pax Lodge Staff (two of us) trotted back to have dinner. But no it didn't end there. Its at this point I became dishwashing Queen!! I tell you I wasn't going to dawdle and let dishes last an hour, no way. I was tired I wanted my room and I had a splitting headache. Half hour later we were already on mopping the floors! Go me!! Marie was very impressed. I think part of it was I wasn't going to let Keren push in like last time and take over. Grrr she really gets under my skin sometimes and drives me mad...Marie said I had my elbows poked out from my sides like I was protecting my turf. I was!! I am not a push over, I refuse to let that girl think she can play head honcho. I wouldn't mind if she did her own job properly, but she doesn't!! Okay, my gripes over.
After dishes was the closing ceremony of the session. I tell you it has been the best one yet. The groups mixed really really well and we were all given gifts and everything. It's the first group that has, I guess, made it more personal. Actaully, the reading I did at the last closing made an appearance again. Jewel asked if she could do the reading, but failed to do anything about it until yesterday afternoon at which point she's wanting to know where mine is so she can read it. I can't really say no. So I heard someone else read it (to different music) and while I know I would have paced it, lowered or spoke louder to emphasise, it wasn't all that bad. Didn't hold as much meaning, but it was okay. Then came evaluation and the prospect of dessert, which I passed on.
Bed, as I was soon to discover, was no where near being close. Admittedly I could have said no, but I was the one who was all for us socialising. Lets just say that Allison moved into her new room so she was having a 'Room Warming Party' which involved a deck of cards and, sounds so much nicer. Mind you the glasses could have been a bit bigger...I soon realised I wasn't good at the card game. Five little glasses is not a good way to head, especially when they're different types of the game changed to 'I have never'...and yeah, I don't really rememer things clearly after that. I mean I can remember things, but it's all a bit hazy. I think there was about six of us with the same issue, only Monique suffered badly!!
The HA's corridoor reaked this morning. The silly girl had so much to drink that she'd thrown up during the night but failed to clean it up....wasn't a great thing. Considering what I consumed, the worst I had was feeling a bit tired when I woke up. That's it. No sign of what I believe is known as a hangover. This is all such new language to me! So yes, Monique was on the recieving end of a lot of jokes today. I guess the bonus is that whatever they did learn about me that they didn't know before, they're not likely to remember!!
I'm hoping to have a few more photos up within the next couple of days, so when that's done I'll stick the link in an e-mail again and you can go have a look see. At this stage my next adventure is out to Oxford. Beyond that I've quit planning, I tend to do too much of that and it's nice not to know what's going on more than a few days in advance. Although I am hoping to miraculously have my days off in October occur at the begining of the month, or at least a day, so I can have a right old chin wag and catch up with my lovely daughter and the rest of the Hoath tribe!! And for those who have no idea, no I've never given birth and no I don't mean tribe as in wild people...well....nah! One of the Guiding families in the district is heading this way and staying here, I better make sure I do my job well!!
Other than that, there's not much more to tell!!! I know these get very long, but I don't know I get talking and I don't shut up. I guess I'm not used to not being able to talk to you all yet. It's funny how having a simple conversation with someone can be taken for granted too easily. *Sighs* that's okay, I think I'll go find Erin.
Hope you are all well and are staying safe and having fun.
For now I'm signing off and I'll catch you all next time I drop in for a chat.
Big hugs and smiles,
Rachael :-)