Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Ah-Ha! Hello!

Hi You Two!!

Okay I know it's Wednesday and this story is a little old but you know sometimes I mean to e-mail and I just never get around to it.

You should both be very proud of me, Andrea more so because I guess that training came in handy?!!! So on Sunday night Shanna (good little christian girl from south Texas) went to the WalkAbout. Cheap Snakebites!! Anyhows, she didn't finish work till 9pm and by the time we got there it was like 9:35. Here's the good part. We only stayed an hour and 15 minutes and downed four Snakies each! Now see, I don't have the threshold for a lot of alcohol, though since being here it has increased. Well we laughed at everything! We even think Shanna broke her nose! Okay not funny but we were upstairs in the bathroom and I made her laugh and she like bent over at the same time and whacked her nose on the marble sink! Man, she's like 'oh my nose just cracked' and yeah. It was rather interesting!

So that's my little exciting story. You guys better be ready, my first Friday back I'm up for some good competition. You wait, I'll drink more in one sitting than I used to in one night!! That excludes the send off though, I drank a fair bit that night...

Hows it going in there by the way? Any exciting news? A wedding? A baby? Someone fired? I don't know, surely something interesting must happen, this is TRS we're talking about, always something going on!!

Catch you round,

Rachael :-)
P.S Andrea, where a good place to look for cash in hand work??

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