Monday, February 13, 2006

Good Morning

Good Morning!

So day five is about to start and then I am off. I'm excited, its been a pretty busy week and am looking forward to not having to deal with the office. And HAs and just work in general.

Now, last night. Shanna comes up and tells me she's in great need of a Snakebite (which she's now hooked on) and that the WalkAbout does them for two pounds on a Sunday. No one else wants to go with her, so will I go? Thus, I ended up going. Have to admit, Sundays are far better, there is about a third of the crowd there, maybe less and the music is a lot more clear! It was a due last night and in their breaks an Aussie got up and sang a John Farnham song! Yay! Sorry, he's an Aussie artist. But they were good and it was more of a relaxed atmosphere with literally no sleaze.

But there was one guy and he was harmless really. We'd been there maybe an hour at this point and Shanna goes off to the loo and then to get another round of drinks. Literally as soon as she left, he came over. Would have been about 35-45 I think. And he was just talking, I mean where I go on a Friday night at home (on the rare occasion I go out) the crowd is a lot older thus they are a lot more friendly in the sense you can actually have a conversation with them without them expecting to be laid. And if they do, they're polite about it. Entirely different style of person and I can deal with that.

So he comes over and he could hear Shanna and I talking and asks where in America I was from. I laughed and told him I was an Aussie. He was asking about Scouts and all sorts (he was a Canadian here working for a bank firm) and eventually Shanna comes back with drinks and he was sort of hanging around talking and Shanna was talking to him and so I make a point of bringing up Shanna's wedding plans and so she goes on about that for a while. I mean I knew he came over to talk to me, but it brought the subject up. It goes on and he asks about home and I sort of made a point of saying I was looking forward to going home and starting my life with my Partner. I see Shanna's eyebrow raise, but she goes along with it and he asks about if I too was getting married. He he he. I told him there would be a few issues with that because our Prime Minister wasn't thinking of legalising it any time soon. He was like oh so its a she and I was like yeah...and about 30 seconds later he was like 'excuse me, I have to go' and I was like yeah I so knew that would get rid of him!!

Anyway, Shanna was like "Your partner?" and I knew she wasn't sure about that because her body language had changed completely. I reassured her that it was the only ploy that was sure to get (guys from home) to leave without telling them they were dog ugly or you weren't interested. By saying something like that they realise they are wasting their time and don't get all insulted at the same time. So I had to reassure Shanna it was only a ploy and its fine, I don't have a partner waiting at home for me.

We laughed the whole way home and Shanna was trashed, but in a good way. She was just really happy and jovial. We talked about a few different things at Pax and she's annoyed that the HAs as a whole are branded as being lazy. Coz she's not.

But that was my night really. It was funny. I was tired and I had two drinks under my belt. I was conscious that while I still was quite conscious, when I have a drink I get all sappy and yeah, I do enough of that! Thus it was a short good night and a little sap.

Anyways, I should go up for work and see if Shanna has surfaced.

Rachael :-)

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