Saturday, February 25, 2006

Reaching Out


What did your dad do this time?

Your programme assistant application arrived in the post today. Sally opened it and was like "hey did you know about this?" and I played innocent and went "about what?". And she said "about Erin applying for programme assistant" so I turned around and went "she never?". Played like I didn't know. I certainly haven't mentioned it to Heather. I figured the less I have to say about it the better. I don't want to get in the way.

Today was pretty crazy. Day one of the Round Table conference with people from right across Europe here. It's been a very long one and dinner didn't start until 6:30 and even now it's just gone 7:40 and I've just left the dining room. I have to admit, I like these people. They are very friendly and are just the kind of guests you want here all the time. There is this one woman and she has the most amazing eyes. Like, I can't even begin to describe the colour of them, kind of like blue but clear and they are simply amazing. I've only seen one other person with those coloured eyes and that was going to work on the tram at home a couple of times. They are like something you'd see in a fantasy movie or something. Incredible. But anyways, I like these people they're great and are great to have a laugh with.

Tonight is Saturday night -Walk About night. Ha, you should hear them all going on about who they are going to pick up this week. Xenia even was telling us about this drink one of the guys gave her and like three of us yelled at her and said she was stupid drinking anything that anyone gave her. Needless to say I'm having a night in. I want to measure up my room and be ready for my little meeting with Doreen tomorrow and be prepared for anything she might throw at me. Which ever that might be. I'll have to go over notes from the last one.

So this e-mail finds you in the Greekest of moments!! He he he sorry lame pun I know. Perhaps I should call your mum and tell her to go get you and rescue you from all that. Nah, I am sure it won't be all that bad, it might even be a great deal of fun. You never know Erin. Gosh Erin could be suddenly swept into the world of frats and sororities and that'll be the end of her! No! Don't turn her into a alcohol guzzling, pot smoking, blow jobbing person! Hmm, okay the last line really wasn't all that appropriate. I just think of all those dumb blonde's in those stupid teenage movies. I suppose that they're not all like that in the real world.

Right, I'm going to go and sort myself out. Do something constructive at least.


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