Saturday, February 25, 2006

Another Day, Another E-mail

I think it's morning out there. Regardless,

Good Morning!

Blood shot eyes this morning, what is up with that?! I finally got up to my room at 11:24pm last night. My last check in arrived at 11:06pm which was great. I was upstairs like a shot and in bed by midnight with the light out! I watched TV for a bit while I wrote in my journal, it was the movie Twins. Have you ever seen it? It has Danny De Vito and Arnie the Terminator dude in it (hey that was easier than spelling his surname!). Yet like I said, out by midnight. Well shortly after. The light was out then. Became paranoid that someone would want to come in during the night, most of the people don't have a great grasp of English coming from an Aussie...

When ever I hear the term talent show I always think of bad singers. Even if there isn't actually anyone singing. Bad singers. Oh dear. Because you know its like Idol and all those dumb shows, some people just don't get and can't understand that they don't have talent! What is up with that? I mean I can't sing and I'm first to admit that! There is no way in the world I'd get up and sing because somehow I believed I could! But then that could be stage fright too!

I hope Doreen rips into them too!

Right, I did read your application! I liked it. It has a nice flow to it. Actually I was asking Heather yesterday (we were talking about Ruth) and she said she was pretty sure that the Programme Assistant position was like a HA position, you can only do it once. She's like, but that's not to stop Ruth applying for anything else here at Pax. I laughed, there you go, we have the next Centre Manager in the making! Go Ruth!

I don't remember my dreams last night. I'm waking up too suddenly and too groggy to keep them in my head.

As always,

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