Good Evening.
Well a what a night on nights it will be!! Thirteen people still to check in, seven of which are arriving between 9pm and midnight! I tell you, eight months of quiet Night Duties and the last two have been crazy. Not that I am complaining, I think I've had it good all things considered. Have decided to stay down in reception until 10pm ish, that way I don't have to run up and down stairs a million times as most should have arrived by ten. There are three more to arrive after that.
What a day at Pax Lodge it has been. Only two house assistants working. Three were rostered on, one was knocked out cold! See apparently after the carnival they had last night, they had a bit of a party in Louise's room. Well lots of mixing drinks and Louise got plastered. Like seriously so. Spend all night puking and had to get up for K1 duty. She got through breakfast and was back in bed by 10am. Out cold she was and slept most of the day. During staff breakfast she was in the kitchen and ended up puking in Oscar. We were later told she'd done it during guest breakfast too. We've got an important committee here at the moment. We're dreading the evaluation forms. She was still drunk during breakfast, all giggles at flag. It was terrible. Rachel was a bit ewww too, but has managed to stay active for the day.
As for me I did House duty today. Well from 11:30am until 3pm at which point I then went up the hill to do bank and post. It felt like being a House Assistant again. I have to be honest with you, these girls were told that all the guests we have this weekend are pretty important and from all around the world. I went into some of those rooms today and am ashamed to call them House Assistants. The rooms were not that great. Anyohws, I fixed them all and checked them all. I'll do the same for the last five or six arriving tomorrow.
Janet left at 8:30 this morning and we got a SMS from her saying her flight had been delayed. That was just after 12 noon. We assume she got there okay. Maybe she's still on the plane? No, she'd be off by now.
Did I tell you last night that Ruth called and that who ever put the call through thought it was Monique? Well see while I was out at dinner, Monique did call to speak to me! But I wasn't in and when Ruth called apparently she sounded like Monique. But I can't quite figure that out. The person on K2 never knew Monique....oh wells.
Only four more days and I am off to Ireland. I am rather excited to tell you the truth. A little worried, but excited too. Plus I get to go hang out with some brownies so that'll be fun.
From here I am going upstairs to watch the idiot box for an hour, come back downstairs and lock up. I'm going to bring my book down so I'll read while I am waiting for my check in people. Plus I'll write you again since I can't do it at some unholy hour during the night because the basement is off limits. Perhaps I could e-mail just before 10pm.
Doreen is back on deck tomorrow. I wonder how she'll take the business with Louise being drunk during work time. Good grief.
Well for now I am off, should go and sort this office out before K2 arrives to relieve me. Then I'll be back. Yay!
Rachael :-)
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