Thursday, March 16, 2006

Bedtime is Afoot

Good Evening,

So the day is finally over which is good. Its been a long one and I think that I'll be in bed earlier than normal just to try recover. The house itself was kind of quiet but it was just a matter of trying to clear all the every day work that had piled up over the past two or three days because normal routine has been thrown out the window!

We had a group of 19 Canadians come in today for a house tour. Between the 19 of them, they spent more than 660 Pounds!! That's more that what we got in the shop till all day yesterday! It was unbelievable! Breanne came and told me the final total and if I hadn't of felt so worn out, I would have passed out!

I really am glad the t-shirts arrived on the 15th, I was hoping they would but didn't hold my breath with how the postal system has been going.

This evening pretty much everyone has gone to the theatre. I'm both glad that I didn't go and also a little disappointed. I would love to have seen A Man For all Seasons (story about Henry the 8th I believe) but realistically it would have been too much for my knees. I've spent most of this evening lying down and not moved anywhere. Tomorrow I should be fine.

However, staying behind has allowed me to watch some of the coverage of the Commonwealth Games, it's the first day and I've managed to see some! I've enjoyed it because they show some shots of Melbourne every now and again, plus they held up the Melbourne newspaper I used to look at each day! It was like seeing a friend from the past! In some regards it's made me a little homesick but not in the normal sense.

I remember going through a point similar to this in late august early September. I got homesick for my city as opposed to the people there. Melbourne really is a great city, we can offer so much but in a different way that London can. Just little things I miss. Seeing some of the arena's is kind of nice too. But I miss Melbourne itself. The buildings, the green parks and the skyline. The little things I took for granted most days as I went to work. I need a Melbourne hit! Perhaps its just a feeling that seeing it on TV has stirred up again.

My mattress remains on my floor, I've decided it can stay there until I get my other bed. There is no point moving it back, I would imagine that at some stage during next week or shortly there after it will get changed over. Or at least that is my hope!

Anyhows, I am heading off to bed.Good night and sweet dreams.


P.S We told Doreen what Maria said about her in the Tshirt. Doreen responded by reminded my that she wasn't the one Maria was wanting to kiss!! Good Grief I'll never live that down!!

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