Thursday, March 9, 2006


Heya Ruth,

Listen I can't talk long coz well I am in reception and should be working, however, I do have the guilts for last night!!

You just happened to catch me at the end of a short fuse I have right now and I shouldn't have taken that out on you. Nothing is wrong per say, it's just I've lost a lot of my patience for this place and the people here. You caught the brunt of that. You should know by now I have the time of day for you at any point in time, and it's the first time that I haven't. I can be like a bear with a sore head when I don't have patience and it really doesn't happen that often!

So listen, I'll write you more later but don't feel hurt or bad okay? Just a bad day for no apparent reason you just had a bit of bad timing, that's all.

I am off as of tomorrow so if you want to call you know you are more than welcome to.

Catch you later on,
Rachael :-)

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